Thread and Press CIC
A Community Interest Company
We are pleased to bring our Draw More project to Pocklington starting May 2024.
Draw More is a series of regular drawing sessions for adults providing a friendly and welcoming space for adults to learn about and experience drawing.
Our aims are to:
Provide guided drawing sessions suitable for beginners or more experienced artists
Create a welcoming and friendly environment
Offer creative opportunity for adults of all ages
Encourage the uptake of drawing to promote healthy wellbeing and positive mental health
Encourage drawing for fun - no expectations
Offer creative opportunity without financial restrictions
Session Dates
Friday 24th May 6pm - 8pm -BIRD
Friday 14th June 6pm - 8pm - FLOWER​
Friday 19th July 6pm - 8pm - BUTTERFLY/INSECT
Friday 30th August 6pm - 8pm - DOG​
Friday 20th September 8pm - 8pm - HARE
Friday 18th October 6pm - 8pm - FOX
Friday 22nd November 6pm - 8pm - STILL LIFE
Friday 6th December 6pm - 8pm - EYES
Friday 24th January 2025 6pm - 8pm - FACE
See 'what to expect' for a breakdown of timings
You can also access our pre-recorded additional sessions here to draw more at home.
All sessions listed above will take place at Pocklington Arts Centre studio (downstairs, at the back of the venue). You do do not need to show a ticket to reception staff, just tell them you are here for the drawing group in the studio and walk to the back of the venue. The venue is fully accessible for wheelchair users. We welcome particpants of all abilities and needs. If you have any questions about suitability, please contact us. Please note, this session is for adults only.
How to Book
You can book a FREE ticket or a MAKE A DONATION ticket via Eventbrite. If making a donation, we suggest a maximum of £5 per person. Although we welcome drop-in attendees if we have spaces, it does help us to keep track of numbers if you can book a place beforehand as places are limited. You can also make donations via this link which will take you to our Paypal donation page (you can donate by Paypal or by debit/credit card). Please note, you can only book for the next available session. Please check the date of the session you are booking. Tickets for the next session will be available to book by 7.30pm on the day of the current session.
What to expect
The session is open from 6pm and we will begin the the session with the opportunity for hot drinks and chat - followed by a guided drawing session beginning at 6.15pm. Holly will guide you through a drawing as you watch her draw on the projector screen and join in. We usually have a comfort break at around 7.15pm and then we continue our drawing until about 7.40pm. There will be resources provided to use throughout. There will also be time to get a bit of one-to-one advice or support at the end of the session (til 8pm), if you want it. There is no requirement to 'show' or share your work - just join in and enjoy the shared drawing experience. Drawing activities will be suitable for beginners, with the opportunity for more experienced artists to take their drawing a little further if they wish. You are free to take your work with you at the end of the session.
We will also be recording some online drawing tutorials that you can access at home to do, only if you wish to (it isn't homework, we promise).
Why are you taking donations and how are the donations used?
We are passionate about drawing and we have set up this project to run for a trial period of 9 months with the intention that we will run the project for longer. However, to evaluate whether this project has god uptake and is sustainable, we need time to allow the project to develop. We are funding the tuition of the project ourselves by delivering and teaching the workshop without taking a planning or tutor fee. However, we do still have to cover costs for the venue hire, materials and any equipment, plus refreshments. To help us get started, we have gratefully received a grant from the HEY Smile Foundation which will cover these costs in the project trial period. Any donations made will be used to:
Cover any additional expenses incurred (such as additional materials or resources reasonable required)
Cover any additional expenses such as venue hire rate increases or unforeseen project costs
Cover any venue hire or materials costs for sessions beyond the project trial end date. The number of sessions will depend on the amount of donations received.
We reserve the right to change the project after the trial date and after any donations have been spent - meaning we may revert to paid tickets or other options after the trial period, if the free or donation model is not sustainable. We should also make you aware that the booking agents or PayPal may take a small percentage of any donations made before we receive them.​
How many people can attend?
We can accommodate quite a few people, but we do have a limit. Therefore, it is best and preferable to us if you can BOOK your place using our Eventbrite booking page. However, you can just turn up on the day if there are places available. If you are booking for a group of people, please ensure you contact us or book online before attending. When booking, you just need to leave your name and contact details (in case there is a last minute cancellation of the venue and we need it get hold of you). If you cannot book online, you can call us on 01759 486020 (Mon - Sat 9am - 5pm) and book a place over the phone. ​Please note, we do give priority booking to those who have attended the previous session and allow then chance to sign up before online tickets are released, but we will always try and accommodate as many new people as we can.
What is provided?
We provide:
Pencils and quality basic drawing equipment
Clipboard easel to lean on
Source images to refer to
Tuition and support (if desired)
Hot drinks and biscuits(tea, coffee and hot chocolate)
Online drawing tutorials to do at home (if you want to)​
Do I have to come every month?
No, sessions are booked as and when you want to. Tickets for each session will be released during the previous session (around 4 weeks in advance) (straight after the previous session) . If you book and cannot make it or need to cancel, just cancel your place via Eventbrite or let us know by email or phone on 01759 486020.​
I am a complete beginner. Can I still come?
Absolutely! Drawing is so much fun and very relaxing. Don't worry if you haven't really drawn before. There is no expectation to share your work so if you are a little shy of other people seeing your work then that's fine. We can help you as much as you would like us to.
​Is there somewhere to park?
You can use the parking bays in Market Place for free at that time of the evening. There are lots of them and you should find it easy to get a a space at that time of day. There are also other parking spaces at the top of the town centre, near the library and in other places around town. The venue address is Pocklington Arts Centre, 22-24 Market Place, Pocklington, East Riding of Yorkshire, YO42 2AR​
How can I stay in touch?
We will share information and links for booking tickets via our newsletter. You can SIGN UP to our newsletter if you haven't already done so.
​How long will the project run for?
We have set the project up to run for a trial of 9 months. In this period we will evaluate whether the project is sustainable with regard to costs suitability and participation. We hope to extend the project if we can meet out sustainability criteria. We will make a decision on the project's future at the end of the 9 month trial period. We welcome feedback on the project and we will set up a MONITORING AND EVALUATION link that can be completed anonymously. All information provided will be used to monitor and evaluate the project. We kindly ask that particpants please complete the link at least once during the duration of the trial period.